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ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “Christian Fausto Moraes dos Santos” ,找到相关结果约61487条。
Das memórias do arco do cego: divulga o científica na américa portuguesa do século XVIII
Christian Fausto Moraes dos Santos
Diálogos , 2010, DOI: 10.4025/dialogos.v12i1.13
Abstract: A partir do século XVIII come aram a circular na América Portuguesa manuais sobre práticas agrícolas, mineralógicas e têxteis, bem como surgiram as primeiras iniciativas no que se refere à organiza o de sociedades e institui es engajadas no estudo do mundo natural com a finalidade de explorá-lo de modo mais racional. Nesse contexto a Calcografia do Arco do Cego se destacou como a grande iniciativa luso-brasileira para divulga o dos saberes acerca do mundo natural, um centro de divulga o que, apesar do curto período de existência, foi uma das mais importantes institui es da história das ciências brasileira e portuguesa. Starting in the XVIII century, the publication of manuals on agricultural, mineralogical and textile practices started to run in Portuguese America, as well as the first initiatives related to the organization of associations and institutions committed to studying the natural world aiming for a rational exploration of it. In this context, the chalcography of the “Arco do Cego” is highlighted as the great Portuguese-Brazilian initiative for the spread of knowledge about the natural world, a dissemination center that, although it had a short lifespan, was one of the most important institutions of in Brazilian and Portuguese Science History. A partir del siglo XVIII, comenzaron a circular en la América portuguesa manuales sobre prácticas agrícolas, mineralógicas y textiles, al mismo tiempo en que se daban las primeras iniciativas vinculadas a la organización de sociedades e instituciones interesadas en el estudio del mundo natural con la finalidad de una explotación más racional del mismo. En este contexto, la Calcografía del Baúl del Ciego se destacó como la gran iniciativa luso-brasile a para la divulgación de los saberes sobre el mundo natural. Este centro de divulgación, a pesar del corto período de existencia, fue una de las más importantes instituciones de la Historia de las Ciencias brasile a y portuguesa.
Christian Fausto Moraes dos Santos,Juscelino Pereira Neto
Revista Brasileira de História das Religi?es , 2011,
Abstract: Foram vários os homens de letras vinculados a ordens religiosas que, na Europa do século XVII, se debru aram sobre quest es suscitadas com a descoberta do continente americano. Afinal, os ameríndios também descendiam de Ad o e Eva? Teria Noé aportado no Novo Mundo e deixado parte dos animais que transportava na Arca? Para analisarmos tais questionamentos elencamos duas obras do jesuíta alem o Athanasius Kircher que, no século XVII, publicou os livros Turris Babel e Arca N e. Neles, procurou explicar a origem dos homens e animais encontrados no Novo Mundo, baseando-se em uma inusitada interpreta o do Livro de Gênese. Por fim, pretendemos apontar, através das obras de Kircher como, neste período, institui es religiosas se ocupavam de temas relacionados ao estudo do mundo natural ao elaborarem modelos explicativos para origem da natureza americana, modelos estes fundamentados nos paradigmas de Ad o, Babel e Noé.
Os quirópteros do Novo Mundo: a América e o morcego hematófago no relato de viajantes quinhentistas
Santos, Christian Fausto Moraes dos;Ferreira, Vítor de Souza;Carreira, Lígia;
Varia Historia , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-87752007000200018
Abstract: the arrival of the europeans in the new world will reveal not only the contact with new cultures or new riches; a completely unknown species will be revealed in the reports of practically all the travelers that came to america. in this context, a mammal will be the object of various reports; the blood-eating bat. based upon information contained in the reports and descriptions of the travelers, colonizers and missionaries from the old world that ventured into xvi century america, we intend to analyze not only issues related to the history of the naming, morphology and etiology of the american bat but we will also trace a historical sanitary study of this species known today as one of the biggest retainers of the hydrophobia virus.
Estratégia e adaptabilidade alimentares na América Portuguesa do século XVIII: alguns casos mon oeiros
Christian Fausto Moraes dos Santos,Lúcio Tadeu Mota,José Henrique Rollo Gon?alves
Diálogos , 2011, DOI: 10.4025/dialogos.v14i2.463
Abstract: Várias foram as intempéries e adversidades enfrentadas pelos primeiros colonizadores da América Portuguesa que se aventuraram pelas regi es inexploradas desta col nia de Portugal. Além do clima, geografia, fauna e flora completamente novos, o colonizador tinha ainda de adaptar-se a uma nova dieta, que n o somente pudesse suprir os gastos calóricos resultantes de um desgaste físico constante, mas que também se adaptasse, enquanto gênero alimentício cultivável, ao solo e clima da Col nia e ainda se conservasse o maior tempo possível, servindo de alimento durante expedi es e viagens que podiam durar meses. A partir de tal enfoque pretende-se aqui, através da análise de relatos e diários de viagem, discutir as estratégias referentes à alimenta o dos colonizadores durante tais empreitadas, sobretudo daqueles que se aventuraram nas expedi es que, durante o século XVIII, saiam da Capitania de S o Paulo com destino às recém-descobertas minas de ouro na regi o de Cuiabá. The first settlers underwent several adversities while venturing into the unexplored regions of this colony of Portugal. In addition to a completely new climate, geography, fauna and flora, settlers had to adapt to a new diet that could not only supply their caloric needs resulting from constant physical strain, but which could also adjust to the soil and climate of the colony and withstand expeditions and journeys that could last months. From that viewpoint, this work aims to discuss – through reports and travel diaries – the strategies regarding the diet of settlers during these journeys, particularly those who ventured in the expeditions departing from the capitaincy of S o Paulo for the recently discovered golf mines in the Cuiabá region during the 18th century. Varias fueron las intemperies y adversidades enfrentadas por los primeros colonizadores de la América Portuguesa que se aventuraron por las regiones inexploradas de esta colonia. Además del clima, la geografía, fauna y flora completamente nuevos, el colonizador tuvo que adaptarse a una nueva dieta que pudiera suplir no sólo las calorías necesarias para un desgaste físico constante, sino también que como alimento cultivable se adaptara al suelo y clima de la colonia, y también que se conservara el mayor tiempo posible, indispensable para emprender expediciones y viajes que podían durar meses. Partiendo de este enfoque, con el análisis de relatos y diarios de viaje, se pretende discutir las estrategias vinculadas a la alimentación de los colonizadores durante dichas empresas, especialmente aquellas que, durante el siglo XVIII, salie
America conquers the World: A History of spread of American spices from the navigations of the sixteenth century.
Fabiano Bracht,Gisele Cristina da Concei??o,Christan Fausto Moraes dos Santos
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Alimentos , 2012,
Abstract: From the beginning of the fifteenth century, it is observed a phenomenon that had as one of its main features, the spread of trade, cultivation and consumption of some specific varieties of plants. Although, modern historiography has a reasonable volume of studies published about the spices of the East as well as the economic impact of these in the Renaissance, an issue still remains, that is related to the dissemination and use of some American plants which in turn have also become spices of considerable economic, cultural and gastronomical importance.
Efeitos da beta-polinitra??o na eficiência catalítica de rutenioporfirinas em rea??es de oxida??o de cicloexano
Guimar?es, Christian Alexander;Santos, Mirian Cristina dos;Moraes, Margarida de;
Química Nova , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-40422004000200006
Abstract: rutheniumporphyrins, especially with several nitro groups in b-positions, were used in the cyclohexane oxidation in the presence of iodosylbenzene, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite as oxygen donors, under mild conditions. the b-polynitrated complexes were able to promote the catalytic cyclohexane oxidation. they show an exceptionally high catalytic efficiency and resistance to attack by strong oxidizing agents. the cyclohexane oxidation was monitored by gas chromatography and the results showed that the b-polynitrated rutheniumporphyrins are better catalysts when compared to other complexes not b-polynitrated. in all cases, the 2-phenylsubstituted complexes were more efficient than 4-phenylsubstituted complexes. the importance of the ortho effect to oxidation was shown.
Efeitos da b-polinitra o na eficiência catalítica de rutenioporfirinas em rea es de oxida o de cicloexano
Guimar?es Christian Alexander,Santos Mirian Cristina dos,Moraes Margarida de
Química Nova , 2004,
Abstract: Rutheniumporphyrins, especially with several nitro groups in b-positions, were used in the cyclohexane oxidation in the presence of iodosylbenzene, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite as oxygen donors, under mild conditions. The beta-polynitrated complexes were able to promote the catalytic cyclohexane oxidation. They show an exceptionally high catalytic efficiency and resistance to attack by strong oxidizing agents. The cyclohexane oxidation was monitored by gas chromatography and the results showed that the beta-polynitrated rutheniumporphyrins are better catalysts when compared to other complexes not beta-polynitrated. In all cases, the 2-phenylsubstituted complexes were more efficient than 4-phenylsubstituted complexes. The importance of the ortho effect to oxidation was shown.
Sedative antidepressants and insomnia
Moraes, Walter André dos Santos;Burke, Patrick Rademaker;Coutinho, Pablo Lorenzon;Guilleminault, Christian;Bittencourt, Aline Gomes;Tufik, Sergio;Poyares, Dalva;
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-44462011000100017
Abstract: objective: the present review addresses the relationship between sleep and depression and how serotonergic transmission is implicated in both conditions. method: literature searches were performed in the pubmed and medline databases up to march 2010. the terms searched were "insomnia", "depression", "sedative antidepressants" and "serotonin". in order to pinpoint the sedative antidepressants most used to treat insomnia, 34 isi articles, mainly reviews and placebo-controlled clinical trials, were selected from 317 articles found in our primary search. results: sleep problems may appear months before the diagnosis of clinical depression and persist after the resolution of depression. treatment of insomnia symptoms may improve this comorbid disease. some antidepressant drugs can also result in insomnia or daytime sleepiness. serotonin (5-ht) demonstrates a complex pattern with respect to sleep and wakefulness that is related to the array of 5-ht receptor subtypes involved in different physiological functions. it is now believed that 5ht2 receptor stimulation is subjacent to insomnia and changes in sleep organization related to the use of some antidepressants. conclusion: some drugs commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression may worsen insomnia and impair full recovery from depression. 5-ht2 receptor antagonists are promising drugs for treatment strategies since they can improve comorbid insomnia and depression.
A Doutrina social da Igreja e o principio personalista
Amaral Filho, Fausto dos Santos
Teocomunica??o , 2007,
Abstract: Tomando como motiva ao precípua o estudo da doutrina social da igreja, o presente artigo tenta compreender o principio personalista que a perpassa. Para tanto, apoiados fundamentalmente em Sto. Tomás de Aquino e em textos como a Constitui o Pastoral Gaudium et Spes, o Catecismo da Igreja Católica e o Compêndio da Doutrina Social da Igreja, tentar-se-à esclarecer tanto o conceito de pessoa humana, quanto o conceito de imago Dei. Taking as essential motivation the study of social doctrine of Catholic Church, the text intends to understand the personalist principle that passes by it. For that, we stand the arguments, mainly, in Saint Thomas Aquinas, in texts as Gaudium et Spes, in the Catholic Church’s Catechism and in the Social Doctrine’s Compendium. The text intends to clarify the concept human person and the concept imago Dei.
A caminho da estética
Amaral Filho, Fausto dos Santos
Veritas , 2007,
Abstract: O presente estudo tenta compreender, ainda que de maneira sumária, quais os caminhos que a Estética tomou; desde Hegel e a dedu o filosófica dos conceitos, até a corrente, influenciada por Wittgenstein, da análise da liguagem comum, acabando por apontar, diante das dificuldades dos referidos caminhos, para a Estética da circularidade; tanto a de Heidegger quanto a de George Dickie. The present study tries to understand, although in a concise way, which are the ways Aesthetics took; since Hegel and concepts’philosophical deduction to the tendency influenced by Wittgenstein, the one concerning common language. Finally, the text points, on account of difficulties referred ways show, to surrounding face of Aesthetics, Heidegger’s one and Georg Dickie’s one.

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